First Meetings

Sable/Argent, January Sable Year Zero

After my visit to the Sable Pattern, and the strange contact I had received as I was leaving, I decided that I would need to accelerate my explorations of the multiverse I had created. After all, it appeared I had a rival in such matters, and from Wilhelm's description, I didn't like the sound of him. There was a big difference in the intellectual exercise of imagining what my dark side would be like, and actually learning that it...he...was now a living, breathing entity with his own agenda and values, and not for the first time it would turn out, I wondered if I had made the right choice.

To continue my tour of the universe, first I made a quick scan of the Southern Hemisphere, as much to convince myself that the Reich had not got a foothold down there which I had not previously found, as to find out what was there. As I quickly learned, however, with the exception of islands scattered liberally over the ocean, the only serious body of land was a continental mass at the southern pole, and that mainly seemed to be inhabited by polar bears, penguins, seals, walrus and the like, with whales plying the oceans nearby. I chuckled to myself. Why don't polar bears eat penguins? Here, I supposed, it would be different.

Once I was sure of the geography of Magica Superior, I extended my Pattern lens to try to get a feel for the solar system in which the world was situated. I already knew that there was a single sun and a single moon, and looking into the night sky, some of the constellations seemed familiar to me. But a rough feel for the celestial mechanics of the place seemed in order. While I could not see what I was looking for while seated in my garden on the King's Isle, I could try to send my consciousness upwards, through the clouds and into the heavens, attempting to commune with what I found. Well, it would be an interesting trick - and if I could do it, it would show me that there was more to Creation than merely the act of bringing into being.

I settled into a trance, and lost myself in the heavens, and as I did so, I could feel the bounds of the greater Shadow, rather than just the planet itself, and beyond that the other worlds - the Commonwealth and beyond. As far as I could tell, Magica Superior's Shadow was far from infinite, but it was extensive, and in the system of which the planet was a part, my new home was the third from the sun of a group of nine. All felt to be smaller in scale than the originals of Terra Magica's solar system, each only three-quarters of the size, but the proportional distances from the sun and the patterns in which they moved were sufficiently similar to be reassuring. It looked as if I had drawn on the familiar for the heavens as well as the earth.

Beyond what was visible - or seemed to be visible - I could feel the overlying Shadows which were connected to the sky realm of Argent: occupying a similar space to the heavens here and on the other Shadows of the Luxor System, but out of phase with my reality. Then my attention was diverted as I became aware of another Pattern-like influence as well. Something nearer to home. As I analysed it, it seemed alien, and yet not alien to me. I couldn't quite place what it was, except that it seemed to be centred within Magica Superior itself, and was exerting influence on the physical Shadows attached to the main world.

Bringing myself back to earth, as it were, I refocused my attention to try to figure out what it was I was feeling, and realised that whatever else it was, it was affecting where the Sable Pattern had influence. It was not, in itself, of a nature to cast its own Shadows, but instead was modifying how the Shadows of the other reflections of the Terra Magica Pattern were being laid down. So instead of the Black Pattern extending its influence over all the land-based Shadows of my Creation, which had been the risk with manifesting the darkness in the equivalent of Amber, it was being distorted such that instead of it having control of all of the elemental realm of earth, beyond the Commonwealth I had envisaged, the darkness would have influence over a quarter to a third of each of earth, sea and sky, but absolute control of none. In all three realms, the other Patterns and my own beliefs and nature would be dominant.

But what was causing that effect? However much its presence made me feel as if I had dodged a bullet? The only answer was to bring the lens to mind once more, and seek downwards, into the body of Magica Superior itself. It was an interesting experience, as I had never tried to scan through solid matter in that way before. And as I went I could feel, more than see, the nature of the world as I passed through: crust, upper mantle and mantle, and then I broke through to the molten outer core. As I first saw the white heat of the core around me, I was momentarily blinded, both physically and psychically, and was about to panic when I felt my shifting adjusting to compensate. And as I became more accustomed to that place, I realised that what I sought was deeper still.

Trying not to feel as if I was being roasted alive - largely by persuading my body that it was safe outside, rather than suffering the extremes of heat which my lens was experiencing - I pushed downwards, and eventually found myself looking, if that's really the right word, at the solid inner core of Magica Superior. And graven on it, I could see a huge design, encompassing the spherical centre of the world. It took a few moments to register what I was seeing, but when I did I was startled beyond belief. It was as if I was looking at one of the three-dimensional representations of the Pattern within the Jewel of Judgement, specifically, the representation I had converted into two-dimensional form to draw the Terra Magica Pattern.

And as I looked, a name came to me. Gules. The Pattern of Fire. Obviously the universe had taken my elemental mapping concept seriously, and chosen to manifest the fourth element itself, as I could not comprehend how it should be done. And I knew that somehow, I would need to traverse this, as well as the others, to gain full control of the universe. But how in the Hell could I do that? I was a good shapeshifter, but I doubted even my ability to survive the temperatures at the heart of the world. Even from a distance I could feel it sapping my strength.

Then, as I watched, the solid core almost seemed to glow ruby red, before fading back to its previous state, and I understood. While the Jewel I had used to Create had been the Rebman one, it worked on the same principal as the Amber one, and therefore it was possible to stand in the centre of a Pattern and project oneself into it to attune to it. And that is what I had to do with this: project into it mentally, to attune to it. But from the centre of which Pattern?

I had no desire to return to the manifestation within the Wewelsburg, even leaving aside the none-too-friendly warning I had received as I departed that place. Azure, perhaps? At least the cooling waters should prevent me from spontaneously combusting. But again, it felt wrong, and I realised that I needed to walk Argent first, to maintain balance, before I could return to either of the other prime reflections. That left the Terra Magica Pattern. That, at least, was always going to be dominant in the system and therefore, while walking it strengthened it, doing so would not upset the balance of its reflections. Later, probably, once everything was stable and the Shadows had finished being cast, such balance would be less of an issue, but I didn't want to risk it too early.

I withdrew the lens, and headed inside to get something to eat and drink, before transporting myself back to Millbank. From there I made my way to the Pattern Chamber and, steeling myself for the ordeal that was to come, walked to the centre of the Primal design. Once there I reached out with a Pattern lens for Gules, and when I had located it again, I began to undertake the initiation process. I followed the design in my mind, guided by the lens, and after what seemed like an eternity, I found myself at its metaphorical centre and jumped back into my own body.

It was something of a shock to be back in reality, and I found myself dehydrated and panting from the heat. Sure, it was probably psychological, but that didn't stop me feeling decidedly uncomfortable and wishing the Pattern Chamber had air conditioning. I transported myself back to the King's Isle and plunged into the cold, fresh water of the lake to cool myself down. About an hour later, I went back to my quarters and showered, before collapsing, exhausted, on the bed.

When I awoke, Claire was beside me, looking concerned. Apparently she had caught images of what I had done from my mind down the mental link we share, and it had disturbed her. After I had explained what I had found and my purpose in undertaking that rather strange initiation, and had reassured her that no permanent harm had come to me, she seemed less worried, if rather baffled at what I had described to her. I could sympathise: It was taking me a while to get my head around the concept of Gules, as well.

I also felt remarkably refreshed, for some reason and, after dinner that evening, decided that I was probably in good enough shape to take a look at Argent. Following my hitherto common practice, I sent the lens up first. However, as I reached the top of the stairs, I could feel it losing focus, as if it was being affected by the ethereal nature of the place. Rather than persevere, instead I decided to continue on foot, and so I jumped to the top of the stairs and entered the realm that my son Cathal would rule in the fullness of time. As I stepped inside, and looked around, I could see a comet burning in the sky above me. I had been half aware of it down on the King's Isle, but here I could almost see colours flickering within it. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

I stared at it for a while, unafraid that it might have a malign influence: the superstition of comets as harbingers of trouble was not one I had ever subscribed to. Then, after probably twenty minutes or so, and a great act of will to tear my eyes away from it, I walked into the city itself. I could see immediately that the layout of the place was a combination of Sable City and Azura, but to a much smaller scale. There was a distinct slope to the land, albeit not as steep as the Sable caldera and, where the rim had to be, in the equivalent location to Bridge House, the Royal Guard barracks and the Royal stables in Sable City, stood a fairy-tale palace.

The layout of the rest of the city, and the architectural style, however, reflected Azura: smooth lines, with buildings apparently made of glass and ceramic, and smooth-sculpted stone. This impression was reinforced by the fact that as with the water city, the access steps opened into a marketplace. There were far fewer people up here, though: more a country town than a busy city. As I stood there, studying my surroundings, the shades who lived there were moving around me, as if they knew something was there, but they could not see it. Certainly, none made any attempt to make contact with me, and the silence was eerie, especially as I could see them talking and haggling, as they went about their business, and there were children running in and out of the market stalls, laughing and shouting.

Out of curiosity, I brought the Pattern to mind, and then reached out to touch one of them on the shoulder. She startled slightly as she took in my presence, and I noticed her become more substantial. It appeared that making contact with the shades of Argent was easier than in Tir-na Nog'th, where a Pattern item or lens was usually required, rather than just having the Pattern to mind. I also began to hear background noise, from the market around us, which was unexpected, and again different to Amber's sky realm.

I removed my hand and dropped the Pattern, wondering if that would take me from her consciousness again, but it did not. Instead, she continued to look at me, curiously and I could still hear the voices in the background.

"Can I help you, sir?" she asked, "Are you a visitor to Argentis? I do not know you."

"In a manner of speaking," I answered, indicating the staircase, "I come from Sable."

"The dreamland below? I did not think that was possible," she said, slightly awed by the idea, and I could see her puzzling over what I had said, "And yet you seem pale, in the way the beings from that place are rumoured to be."

"This is a voyage of discovery for me, also," I replied, in a tone I hoped was reassuring.

"You should speak with His Grace the Lord Raibeart," she suggested, "he has told his subjects that should there be contact from the world below, he must be the one to greet out visitors."

"I will find him in the Palace?"

"Yes, sir," she answered.

"Thank you for your help," I replied, and she curtseyed and returned to her business, perhaps slightly hurriedly. As she did, she seemed to become more insubstantial, and the sounds of the marketplace gave way to silence once more.

It was as if direct contact with the people of the place brought me into phase with them, but once that contact was broken - for example, with the ending of a conversation - we drifted apart once more and they returned to the land of silver and dreams. Pondering the differences with Tir-na Nog'th, I made my way through the quiet streets as they gently sloped up towards the palace. I eventually came upon a park - similar in location to the Rim Park in Sable - within which the palace was housed, inside a perimeter wall. I also saw the caldera edge nearby, and walked up to it.

Below me was a mirror of the caldera lake, and as in Sable City, a bridge of light extended from the rim: specifically, from the palace grounds, it seemed, as far as I could tell from my still hazy idea of the city's geography. But what it reached was indistinct, clouded. It could have been an island, but I was far from sure. I concentrated on trying to make it out, and realised that I was reaching towards the Argent Pattern. Rather than being in or under the palace, it appeared to be at the end of the bridge.

I walked back towards the palace, and as I approached, I saw that the gates were open, albeit that there were soldiers guarding the impressive gatehouse and entry way. Bringing the Pattern to mind once more I made myself known to the guards, and as with my earlier contact, the act of doing so brought the background noise into focus, as well as strengthened the one with whom I was conversing.

"I am Robert of Sable. I would speak with His Grace," I said, in my best official voice, and was rewarded by a smart salute.

"I shall escort you to Lord Raibeart," he said, and after ordering someone to cover for him on the gate, he fell in beside me and led me inside. It was a strange experience walking through the corridors of the palace. Around me I could hear the guards and servants rushing around on their daily business, and yet none but my escort seemed aware of my presence.

"How many people live here?" I asked.

"Within the palace there is a staff of about 200. In the city as a whole, somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000, not including visitors who come for the market."

The numbers were tiny in comparison with Azura or Sable City, where the numbers were nearer a million and well over four million, respectively, further reinforcing the idea of Argentis as a sleepy market town, rather than the hub of a multi-Shadow concern.

"You did not seem surprised at my request to speak with His Majesty," I commented after we had walked further in silence.

"He told us that you would be coming today," came the answer.

"How did he know?"

"It is not for me to guess such things," he replied, "perhaps he read the portents on the Isle of Dreams."

"The Isle of Dreams?"

"I am sure he will explain, sir," he answered, and then lapsed back into silence. Not the most talkative man I had ever met - or maybe he was just doing his job.

Eventually we reached a pair of double doors which appeared to be made of thick black glass, set in the smooth-faced wall of the corridor. The guards on the doors seemed aware of him, but only partially aware of me until my escort explained his purpose there. As they heard him say my name, however, I could feel them focusing on me and acknowledging my presence. They bowed, and then opened the doors and admitted us into the throne room beyond.

The room appeared to be lined in marble and glass, with mosaics on the floor showing geometric, almost Celtic designs. The walls were hung with rich tapestries, interspersed with mirrors on one side and high, arched windows on the other. It was the man on the throne who drew the attention, however, as he rose and walked down the three steps to the ground. He stood about six feet six tall, and had a very light complexion and pale blond hair, caught behind his head with a silver ribbon, and he wore clothes of black and silver velvet. It was impossible to tell his age, though, as he had an almost elven quality to him which made him seem timeless. And yet as our eyes met, I could see a resemblance in our features, and I knew he had acknowledged me without the need to resort to the Pattern.

"Robert of Sable," he said to me, sketching a half bow, "welcome."

Then, with an almost dismissive gesture, he indicated for us to be left alone, and was quickly obeyed.

We approached each other and circled, each sizing up the other. As with Hopkin, in Azure, Raibeart was a strong Shadow of myself, but unlike his undersea counterpart, I could already feel the Pattern within him. Without actually bringing up the Pattern, however, it was hard to tell whether he was a true initiate of it - which had interesting ramifications, given that only one of my blood should be able to walk a Terra Magica model Pattern - or whether he was some kind of reinforced Pattern ghost. He was certainly inherently more substantial than his subjects, however - at least, those I had seen - and therefore, if he was a living breathing entity, it would be fascinating to discover what was required for him to dwell in the land of dreams. Not least because ultimately Cathal would need to learn that trick once his time came to rule.

"The Great Design told me that I should expect a visit from you today, Robert of Sable. And its portents are rarely wrong."

"I have spent the last few days visiting the realms of Luxor," I commented.

"Do not worry...I do not feel slighted that you chose to come here last," he said, amiably, voicing a silent concern of mine which had formed when I had seen him, "you think of this as a realm of dreams...and I understand that such might be disturbing for you. I, of course, consider your lands in the same way."

He paused, looking me up and down, and then added: "I feel I know you, Robert. Have we met before?"

"In spirit, perhaps," I answered, "we are linked, you and I. That was my wish when this place was brought into being, with you as its current ruler."

"Your wish...?" he said, his tone pensive. He considered for a moment, and then said, "The Isle of Dreams indicates to me that the duration of my reign is in your hands, and that I stand as Regent for you. Is this correct?"

"Technically for my son, but in practice yes. Does that bother you?"

"Not at this time," he replied, "and who can tell about the future."

His answer worried me slightly, but his tone did not sound hostile, which made me hope that he was merely stating a fact, rather than taking a position. Unless this Isle of Dreams he referred to chose to share the future with me, however, I would not learn the answer to that until Cathal came of age and exerted his rights in the city in the sky.

"Argent is a fascinating place," I commented, changing the subject, and I saw a slight smile pass his lips as he acknowledged a departure from a potentially difficult subject, and chose not to return to it.

"Perhaps to you, me it is home, and will be for as long as I am allowed to rule, and possibly longer if it is allowed. I would be delighted to show you my city, and perhaps take you out into the countryside beyond. I should like relations between us to be cordial, and that might be a good way to start."

The idea of a tour of the sky realm had certain attractions. However, I wasn't sure if there and then was the time to do it, as the Pattern had to be my priority that night and it had been a busy day. The trick was how to tell him without offending him, as I knew instinctively that he would be a bad enemy to make.

"And I would be delighted to accept your invitation..." I began, but before I could continue he interrupted me with a raised hand.

"...but not tonight?" he finished with a light laugh, as if predicting my thoughts: his perception and insight were distinctly disturbing, "not least because you conquered the Fire Pattern today. I understand, Robert. Tonight you wish to visit the Isle of Dreams, and would be happy to escort you there, as I did the other."

"The other?"

"The one who is making the same journey as yourself - but who has not as yet found the Realm of Fire."

I felt the back of my neck prickling as Raibeart's comments seemed to confirm the identity of the watcher I had been dancing around since my explorations had begun, and that we were rivals in becoming one with the Luxor System.

"Is he still here?"

"I do not know," he answered, "I left him on the Isle of Dreams some time ago, so that I would be here in time to meet you when you arrived. You have not met him yet?"

"I have no particular desire to meet him at all," I replied.

"I feel that ultimately, you will not have a choice. However, for tonight let us hope he is no longer there when we reach the Isle," came his response, "come, let us make our way."

"I am yours to guide," I answered, knowing that it was probably more true in this place than I would like to admit. He smiled, and with that he headed for a side door into the throne room. I fell into step beside him, and he made his way out of the room, through what were likely his private quarters, and down smooth white corridors. I was curious that his rooms showed signs of occupation by others as well as just himself - did he have a family? And if so, were they shades or real? I imagined I would find out later.

Eventually, after a route I would have been hard pressed to follow alone, we came out into the gardens. Around me I could smell the scent of roses and other night-blooming flowers, their perfume light on the breeze. We threaded our way through the beds and trees, and soon I could see Argent's light bridge clearly in front of me: silver here, instead of having the rainbow colours of home, but looking substantial. The guards on the end of the bridge saluted us, and we stepped onto the platform of light.

It was hard to tell how long it took to cross, as towards the far end, time seemed distorted. However, we eventually reached the other side, at the top of a peak comparable to the one on the King's Isle below, and descended to the ground by a long stairway. As I looked down, I could see lushly planted gardens of silver and white, and off to the side I could even see a hedge maze with a gazebo at the centre.

However, primarily my attention was caught by an open amphitheatre, built in the ancient Roman style, and situated where Sable Palace would be in the world below. It was towards this which Raibeart led me, the world around us completely silent save for his breathing and mine. However, it was not until we stepped onto the first tier of seating that the Pattern of Argent made itself visible on the floor below us.

In orientation, it matched both Terra Magica and Azure, which was a slight relief, and it almost seemed to include elements of metallic silver in its colouring. As for the amphitheatre, itself, it seemed deserted, but for the presence of my companion and I, and a wall of mist at its boundary neatly isolated the Pattern from the gardens around is. I wasn't even completely sure we hadn't crossed a Shadow boundary to enter.

"Beware you do not lose yourself on the Great Design," Raibeart commented, as we stepped down towards it, "otherwise, if you are not careful, you will find yourself walking into the portents this place can offer."

"Do you speak from experience?" I asked, and I saw him think about the question for a moment.

"In truth, I am not certain how I know that this is the case..." he replied, "merely that it is. I also know that meditating upon the Design can give insight to the questioner, which is why I was expecting you tonight."

"I shall bear your advice in mind," I replied, before we lapsed into silence for a few moments. Eventually, we stopped two tiers from the bottom, and he turned to me.

"I have a question," he began, "should I take it from the Harbinger at the Gate that my successor has already been born into your world?"

I wondered for a moment, and then realised that he was almost certainly referring to the comet. Obviously up in Argent, comets had more significance than they did in Sable or in my own mind.

"He has. His name is Cathal," I answered, "however, it will be many years until he is ready to take your place, Raibeart."

"I appreciate that...however, perhaps, when he is old enough to understand, you will send him to me so I can teach him the ways of this place. If he is to rule here, he must learn how to be part of it, or he will fade."


"Diminish. Cease to have form or substance. Become one with the air. He will need to be taught how to surrender part of his nature to Argent to be able to physically dwell here, to be one with this land, given that he is a child of your world, and not of this. You must learn this, too, if you ever plan to spend the day here."

"That is what you have done?"

"That, as I understand it, is my nature," came the reply, "and believe me, if you care for him, my instruction will save his life," came his response.

"Then I shall remember and, when the time comes, act accordingly for my son's survival."

With that he nodded.

"Go now, Robert of Sable. Take the Great Design. And we will meet one another again soon enough. I still wish to show you my realm."

"And I still wish to see it," I answered. We looked at each other in silence for a few moments, shook hands, and then he sketched a half bow and made his way back up the tiers. I watched him go, and saw him fade into mist as he stepped out of the bowl of the amphitheatre, and found myself alone in silver and silence.

After another glance around, to make sure I was still alone, I took the final steps down to the amphitheatre floor, and made my way to the start of the Argent Pattern. I have to admit to a certain curiosity regarding what he had meant about the portents, especially as the rest of the city had not thrown up images and possibilities in the way I was used to from Tir-na Nog'th. Perhaps the mechanism was different here.

Looking forward to the experience with interest, I put my left foot on the Pattern, and started to walk. The thing I noticed immediately was that the feel of the memories coming to me was different: whereas with the more substantial Patterns, the remembrances they called to mind were clear, what I experienced on the Argent Pattern was vague, as if I was seeing possibilities, rather than the memories themselves. Perhaps they were results if I had made different decisions during the course of my life, perhaps merely portents, however I had no intention of stopping mid-walk to analyse them. 'Memories' of myself in German uniform were more than a little disconcerting, though, even if they were alternative possibilities, rather than fact.

My progress, however, seemed quite rapid, certainly faster than on either the Sable Pattern, or in the strange initiation I had undertaken to Gules, and perhaps sooner than I had expected - although I'll grant that time might have been playing very strange tricks on me by then - I took the three steps towards the centre of the Pattern. However, rather than walking off the end, I suddenly found myself in the centre of the maze I had seen from the stairway, standing in the gazebo, where two chairs were laid out, and everything seemed less substantial than it had when I had strolled through the gardens to reach the amphitheatre with Raibeart.

Had I been careless and walked off into the portents, as he had warned I might? I was trying to decide how serious that might be, when I became aware of someone approaching through the maze: the first actual sound I had heard on the island, although the footsteps echoed hollowly. I turned towards the entry to the centre of the maze, and came face to face with the first true being of flesh and blood I had seen in Argent.

He stood about 5'10", the same as myself, and his build and colouring were the same as mine, although his complexion was a little darker, as if he spent more time outside than I did. I also had to admit to myself that he looked a little fitter than I: I'd become rather slack in that regard, and decided there and then that that needed to change. Even our style of dress was similar, although whereas I was wearing a light coloured, long-sleeved shirt and trousers, he was in a silver grey shirt and black trousers. We differed in features however: his face had a harsher look to it, more Germanic, perhaps, with a disturbing coldness in his green eyes, and his blond hair was short, in a somewhat military cut.

"Guten Abend, Mein Bruder," he began, climbing the three steps up into the gazebo to join me, and then changed to flawless, public school English, "we meet at last."

"Rupert Delatz, I presume."

"And you are Robert of Sable," he replied, and to my surprise he stepped forward, an almost pleasant smile on his face, and offered me his hand. It was instinctive to take it, and by the time I realised what I was doing, it was too late to retract the gesture without causing offence, so I shook it, "you seem surprised to see me?"

"Not really, after Raibeart said he had seen you...I had merely hoped that we would miss each other on this occasion."

"Whereas I was looking forward to the meeting," came the answer, as he sat and made himself comfortable. I decided to do the same. "It is a new experience for me to have a brother. Actually, I am experiencing a lot of new things since you and I parted, for which I thank you. The freedom is...refreshing."

"I did not do it for thanks. Had there been an acceptable alternative, I would have taken it. But then, I imagine you know that."

"I do. However, you preferred to stay sane - a choice I can completely understand - and here I am," he answered, affably, "tell me, do you think I am the personification of your madness?"

"I think you're the personification of everything I've fought along the years, Herr Reichsführer."

"And yet you drew on me at times, Your Majesty..." he put the slightest sarcastic emphasis on the title, "Used my wishes and desires. Whenever the end justified the means, you were in touch with me. It will be interesting to see if by separating us, you become too weak to be effective, or whether there is still something of me left inside you."

"It will equally be interesting to see if any of me remains in you," I replied, remembering Brand's comment to that effect, "time will tell."

"Indeed it will, Mein Bruder," he answered, affably, "indeed it will."

"Why do you keep calling me that, Rupert?" I asked, slightly annoyed at his presumption.

"It is the truth, Robert," he answered, "hadn't you realised that genetically, you and I are identical twins? Born of the same parents...although I feel I take after our father, while you are more our mother's son."

"I would have said us being genetic twins would be impossible: and I hadn't envisaged you as my clone. Anyway, that aside, I wouldn't have said we look particularly identical. Similar, I'll grant, but not identical."

"Not a clone, a twin," he snapped, obviously not liking the idea of merely being an inferior copy, and then his tone became more even once more, "and you cannot deny that your blood opened the crypt in the Wewelsburg. Also, appearances are far from everything when both of us are competent shape shifters."

"I imagined I could access the crypt because I was in part responsible for its creation."

"Only peripherally," came the answer, "your hand in creating the Reich was no more than the decision to separate me out, give me the Sable Pattern, and then envisaging a series of ideas: how you believed your 'darker self' would appear; what would make me tick; who you would have rule the Reich - interesting choice, by the way: not the one I would have made, obviously preferring myself in that role."

"Which, of course is why you aren't."

"I had guessed as much," he answered, a trace of annoyance returning to his voice, which he quickly controlled, and this second time did make me wonder if I had given him my temper, along with everything else. "However, beyond those basic parameters, I provided the substance of that realm when you set me free. I set that lock to key only to my blood - I had not realised that yours would open it as well. I am going to have to do something about that, as I'd really rather you didn't keep strolling into my territory like that."

"Oh don't worry. You have no need to fear that I will ever go back there."

"Au contraire - if you ever have any students who you would like to advance beyond the basics in their knowledge of the Pattern, you will need to take them there. An advanced student would need to experience all the aspects of the Terra Magica/Luxor System, and that includes the Sable Pattern."

"What a thrilling thought," I answered, and he chuckled.

"Get used to it, Robert. There are times when you are going to need me and what I can do. And equally, if I ever have students I would like to advance, I would appreciate the same courtesy in allowing them access to the Patterns under your control."

"Why don't we cross that bridge when we come to it?"

He shrugged. "As you wish. You will come to learn the truth of my words."

"As I said before, only time will tell."

We looked at each other for a moment, and then he laughed.

"I can see we have brotherly love in full measure. True Cornelians, the pair of us."

"You and I are enemies, Rupert," I answered.

"But at times we may need to be allies, both for your own ends, and for the preservation of this realm of ours. We may have different outlooks on life, but is that any reason not to remain civilised?"


"Given that the alternative is us fighting like cats and dogs...hmm, perhaps cats and cats given the feline nature of one of our forms...and causing untold collateral damage in the Luxor System."

"I don't have the impression that Brand and his counterpart fight all the time."

"As I said, civilised."

"It would be better than damaging this place having only just built it," I had to concur.

"Then why don't we do that by meeting on a regular basis, so we can air our grievances with each other."

"You sound as if you're suggesting a regular arrangement to take tea. How very English."

"Germany has its tradition of tea and cake, too," he answered, "hmm, tea, once a month, alternating the venue between our lands," he considered for a moment, then smiled, "you know, that isn't such a bad idea. Why don't we make it the first of each month?

"It has potential."

"You see, we can manage civilised."

"This is only our first meeting...I could see things going downhill from here," I replied.

"Perhaps, perhaps not, but there seems no need to assume the worst."

"Rupert, you're my dark side. Assuming the worst seems completely justified under the circumstances."

"I'd prefer different side - dark side seems so negative, whereas what I really am is what you could have been...I am not exactly a different person, merely a different aspect of your good self. But we are both new to this who creation idea...and we will learn its ins and outs together. We will have to, if this system of ours is to strengthen and stabilise, which is, after all, in both our interests."

As he said that, knew that what I had said to Brand was right. I could live with him. I hated everything he stood for, but he was far from the 'cartoon' villain I think I had envisaged, given Kelric's and Jason's experiences. He was a thinking, rational being, and I almost could feel a fraternal link between us. It was then that I realised that, under different circumstances, I might have even come to like him, as I had come to like Karl. And that little thought scared the Hell out of me.

"Our people will fight. It's in their nature," I commented.

"Yes, but that is better than you and I fighting, don't you think? They are, after all, merely Shadows. You and I are the truth and heart of this place, and we can rip it to shreds if we choose."

"What a very Cornelian attitude."

"We are just seem to forget what that means, and get caught up in your love of humanity."

"I feel we should accept responsibility for our actions, and not throw Shadow beings away to better our own aims and struggles."

"And yet you've created a world where that is going to happen. The Fatherland and Sable - fascinating that you've taken the name of my Pattern for your small part of this world, by the way - will fight, and people will die, and it will all occur because it betters your aim of remaining sane." He looked at me, then smiled, "perhaps you're not so very far from Cornelian after all."

It was obvious that in that regard, he knew my fears and thoughts, and I couldn't deny what he'd said, albeit that I hadn't considered my course of action in quite that light. It did make me wonder how many of each other's thoughts and feelings we would be able to read, predict and potentially share in the years to come. That would be an interesting, and probably unpleasant, voyage of discovery.

"I am curious, Robert," he said, interrupting my reverie, "I feel that you have just taken the final steps to becoming one with our system...and yet I feel there is something lacking in my pursuit of the same aim. Would you care to share what you have done and I have not?"

I looked at him and it was my turn to smile.

"I think that's for you to discover for yourself, Rupert. As I had to," I answered.

He looked at me, obviously displeased at my reply, but then shrugged.

"And yet you cannot blame me for asking. I shall continue my explorations, and we can compare notes at our first tea party. Sable Palace or Panenske Brezany?"

"Panenske Brezany? Heydrich's estate outside Prague?"

"My estate outside Berlin, but what can I say? The name seemed appropriate," he answered, his smile almost mischievous.

"You see yourself as Heydrich, rather than Himmler?" I asked, remembering Wilhelm's assessment of my counterpart when we had met. Now I could see his point. "Heydrich was merely the second in command."

"But had he lived, he would have taken the SS from Himmler, and possibly the Third Reich from Hitler. He was efficient, ruthless - okay, admittedly borderline psychopathic - but still capable of reason and sensible courses of action. He was also a superior policeman and intelligence co-ordinator, and a record keeper almost without par. His only mistake was meddling in politics, and it was that that was his downfall."

He looked at me, and chuckled.

"Like you, I'd prefer not to be barking mad, and much as I suspect you would have preferred me to spend my time dabbling in my own weird schemes and mysticism, and leaving the real work to my inferiors, that would not be my choice. I'll probably form a version of the Ahnenerbe - but for my own amusement, rather than for any particular purpose, although there might be one or two useful things they could do. Other than that...I am you, in my way, Robert, and if you had followed my path, you would not have been barking mad, either. So, I am what I am, and you will live with it."

"We shall see."

"We shall indeed. So, Sable Palace or Panenske Brezany?"

"Let's make our first meeting in Sable.

He considered a moment, then nodded.

"That will give me an extra month to finish the decorating."

I wondered for a second if he was serious, but in those cold eyes, I could see a twinkle of amusement and realised he was joking. That surprised me almost more than anything else.

"Now, however, we should go our separate ways," I suggested.

"Yes," he replied, getting to his feet, and once again offering me his hand. Once again, I took it. "until the 1st."

"Until the 1st," I replied, also standing, and as I watched, he brought a Pattern lens to mind with an ease that matched my own, and jumped away, leaving me alone in the silence of Argent once more.

I waited for a few moments longer, and then walked down from of the gazebo and headed out of the centre of the maze. Almost immediately, I found myself back in the amphitheatre, standing in the middle of the Argent Pattern. However, I could feel that the charge from the walk was still with me, and that I could use the Pattern to transport me.

It had been a long enough day, so I decided to take advantage of the fact, and used its power to send me back to Sable Palace, and as I headed back to my quarters, I considered my dark brother...and realised that things were only just beginning to get interesting.